Part Two
We open with the Ramone household in disarray thanks to the prolonged absence of Mrs. Ramone. The family eats takeout and argues. Mrs. Ramone calls and everyone hushes. She has consented to come over and talk. Busy hopes that it's about her moving back in. Later, Busy's father comes to tuck her in and Busy asks if they should do something special for her mother. Mr. Ramone says he thinks they should just be themselves. Busy: "Isn't that why she left in the first place?"
Despite her father's insistence on the family being themselves, Busy puts on a dress and fixes her hair for her mother's arrival. Once there, Lucy confides that she's been seeing a counselor since she's been away. She issues an ultimatum that if she comes back the whole family has to go to therapy.
This episode was obviously written by someone who has never been to therapy. I mean, sure, these new agey shrinks might exist who have you sit on the floor in a circle and feel everyone's aura, but I can't see the Ramones seeking out one like that. The therapist begins by asking the kids why they think they're here. Dom's answer causes everyone to fight and the therapist bangs on a plate-like object to get them to be quiet. Again, this episode's writer may have seen therapy sessions on movies and TV, but he/she never actually went to one. The counselor then gives each family member "homework", which okay, does sound more like a legit therapy session. Manny-to do more for himself around the house, Dom-to stop teasing, Sam (the dad)-to control his temper, Lucy (mom)-to stay out of the fights, Frankie-to stop saying he didn't do anything. Busy gives herself her own assignment to help out more around the house.
When the family gets home, the kids throw their jackets and stuff all over the floor and Lucy says this behavior will have to stop if she's to remain at home. See, this proves she didn't just leave because of marital problems. These are the sort of frustrations all mothers have to deal with. Sure, the Ramone kids are a little old to still have to be told to pick up after themselves, but it's not something to abandon the family about.
It's no wonder Busy is developing a perfectionist complex, fearful that her mother will leave again. Busy is going crazy doing all the cooking and cleaning. The boys have no such inclinations, so Busy has even cleaned their rooms for them. Busy also makes sure everyone is doing their "homework." Lucy eventually tells Busy to lighten up.
But Busy still won't let her mother help her with her math homework or go to the mall with Amanda. Dom says Busy is acting weird, and Frankie chides him that that is name calling. Busy lectures Frankie on his behavior and Frankie calls the therapy crap.
Back to the therapist, more feeling each other's energies. This actress had some role in Anne of Green Gables, but I could not tell you what. Everyone admits that they didn't do so well on their assignments except for Busy, who paints a rose-colored picture of how well the family is doing. The brothers comment on Busy's strange behavior and the parents find out just how much Busy has been doing around the house.
Busy admits she's been doing all that stuff because she doesn't want her mom to leave again. Then she runs out of the room. Her mom comes in and tells her she won't leave and she doesn't need Busy to be the perfect daughter. I kind of get the feeling Busy is her mother's favorite child. The therapy session ends (it only lasted about three minutes) and the Ramones gather their coats as the end credits roll. After this, there are still problems that come up, mainly conflict between Busy and her father, but I think most would say Busy has the better family on this show.
Next episode: Amanda's father loses his job and she sets out to make some extra money.
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