We open in the boys' locker room where Troy is writing a very unoriginal love poem for Busy (beginning "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue").
Amanda and Busy are wearing gym clothes, so I guess we've moved up to seventh grade now. Amanda notices Troy noticing Busy and so forth. Then after class, Troy gives Amanda the poem to give to Busy. Busy isn't so impressed. "Sounds like a Neil what's-his-name song. My mom listens to him." Back in the boys' room, Justin goads Troy to ask Busy out. "She's cute, she's athletic, her dad's a butcher. What are you waiting for?" I don't really get how having a butcher for a father would make Busy more desirable to boys, even if its just a joke.
Busy asks her father about when she can start dating. As he gives his answer (not until she's sixteen), a boom microphone noticeably swoops down over his head. You can see it in the top left of the picture.
Egged on by his friends, Troy nervously saunters over to Busy's lunch table and asks her to go bowling with him.
The girls think this is a pretty lame idea for a date, but right away Amanda decides Busy needs a facial and pedicure to get ready. I'm not sure if it's deliberate or not, but Amanda seems way more excited about this date than Busy. Even Troy doesn't seem too thrilled about it.
Meanwhile, Troy is preparing for the date in his own way. He rubs on shaving cream while lecturing his little brother about liking girls when he's older and then fantasizes about bowling a strike and Busy jumping up and hugging him. It's a pretty tame fantasy sequence. Not even in your dreams, Troy.
Busy had an allergic reaction to something in the facial. Suddenly, Dom calls her out into the hall for a talk about boys, since their mother is still gone. He tells Busy she doesn't look like a girl and has the potential to be really pretty if she wore a skirt or something. Later, Amanda agrees that Busy could be softer. "How can you bowl and be soft?" Busy wonders.
Since Busy doesn't want her father to know about the date, Amanda distracts him in the living room so Busy can sneak out the door. Again we are reminded about Mrs. Ramone being gone when Amanda asks him when she will be back. Geez, think that might be a sore subject, Amanda? Troy arrives at the door with little pieces of tissue covering the spots on his face that he cut himself shaving. This same joke was already used with Amanda (her legs) and will be again with Busy (her legs too). Busy grabs her backpack and slips out the door.
Troy's dad is the only person to ever comment on the uniqueness of Busy's nickname. I think we are supposed to think this man is fiercely overprotective to want to drive his twelve year old on his date. Once inside, Troy gives his father a speech about how he is fine on his own, and he finally bows out and leaves.
Busy is awkward and uncomfortable in her skirt and cannot bowl well in it. I'm not sure if we're supposed to think she looks really good this way or not. A short montage shows us that Busy is so held back in her girlie clothes that Troy pulls way ahead in the first round. Busy excuses herself to go to the restroom and comes back dressed in her plaid flannel shirt and overalls. She's also wiped off the make up and taken down her hair. Troy says it's fine, she looks good either way.
Now that Busy feels more like herself, her confidence improves. Another short montage shows Busy bowling strikes and jumping up and down while Troy looks on dejectedly. It's too bad Troy didn't like Amanda instead. She likes poetry, wouldn't have minded letting him win, though of course I don't agree with that. Troy acts all pissy when he says good night.
As Amanda is explaining to Busy about the male's frag-ile ego, the doorbell rings. Even though this is Amanda's house, it's Troy of course. Troy apologizes for his behavior and Busy thanks him for not being like most guys. Because Busy doesn't like guys. The episode ends with Busy and Amanda listening to some ballet-type music.
Next episode: The Ramones go to therapy.
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