Amanda is in the school restroom complaining about a supposedly golf ball sized pimple she has placed a Band-Aid over while Busy wonders what she will do with the $100 prize for an essay contest that is central to the episode's plot.
At the same time, some boys are standing in the hallway rating girls as they walk by, making Amanda even more self-conscious.
Next we are treated to Chrissy's inner thoughts, "I really hope I can make it. OMG, what'll I wear?" This is a really lazy technique employed several times by the writers (I think this was the first) several times throughout the series to let the viewer know what was going on in the character's head. It was awkward looking and usually felt really forced. Anyway, Chrissy is hoping to get into some club involving her two friends and expensive clothing. Long story short, Chrissy is blown off by her friends because her mom is slutty and won't let her borrow clothes because some special initialed sweater is needed to get into the club.
Back to your regularly scheduled protagonists...Busy is confident in Amanda's ability to win the contest and buy her a portable TV. She starts throwing paper airplanes at Chrissy even though Chrissy is just standing there not bothering anybody. Chrissy slyly weasels Amanda's essay away from her under the guise of it being a requirement to get into an exclusive club. When Amanda tries to get it back later, Chrissy claims she already handed it in for her.
Somehow we wind up back at Chrissy's place. While Chrissy gives Amanda a makeover, she feeds her a bunch of crap about how Amanda could rate a 9 or 10 with the boys and how being vain and shallow is part of environmentalism.
Amanda is shocked by how gorgeous and different she looks post makeover. She gets all hookered up to look at least fourteen and backs out on plans with Busy, who is still only interested in the portable TV. Amanda and Chrissy make plans to ditch lunch tomorrow and go "shopping" for Amanda's new wardrobe.
Busy thinks Amanda's new look is "a bit much" and that it's stupid to care so much what those boys doing the ratings think. Of course we agree with her, but Amanda takes the opportunity to rag on Busy about being too butch. Low blow, Amanda.
When the show's bad girl takes the protagonist shopping, you pretty much know how it's going to go. Chrissy takes a sweater and convinces Amanda to do the same under the belief that they're going to give them back. "Shoplifting isn't stealing. It's shoplifting," Chrissy says when Amanda protests later. She explains stores always buys more merchandise than they need and that's why they have sales. Surely that won't make kids watching this think it's okay to shoplift?
Back at school, Busy halfway apologizes for criticizing Amanda's clothes. She confides she isn't ready to do some of the things Amanda is, like wear too much makeup and hooker heels. Whenever they want to emphasize what a tomboy Busy is, they have her wear her cap on backwards. It makes her look extra gay. Amanda then starts to take her into confidence about what happened. Busy, not picking up on Amanda's somber tone, assumes it's about Amanda winning the contest. Then the principal calls for Amanda...
While waiting for the principal, Amanda fantasizes about being thrown in jail while all the boys hold up low ratings for her and Busy gives her a weird hand signal. Amanda comes to from her fantasy sequence just in time to see the boys being given detention for their ratings system.
The principal, who has an odd accent, says she just wanted to see why Amanda hadn't turned in her contest entry. We find out Chrissy copied Amanda's paper and turned it in as her own. The principal asks for proof and the scene fades out. Surely they are going to get turned in for shoplifting and Chrissy is going to get her comeuppance, right?
Amanda confronts Chrissy in the hall. She pulls out that tired old defense "I'll tell my mother!" Amanda, your mother doesn't care about you or she wouldn't let you go to school looking like a tramp. Finally, Amanda accepts defeat and stumbles awkwardly down the hall by herself until she finds a garbage can to toss in her high heels. Kudos to the writers for another realistic, not-so-happy ending.
Next episode: Busy's mom loses the baby and Amanda gets a chance at a date with Justin.
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