Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wild Life 1x12

Amanda's parents have gone off on a yoga retreat, leaving Amanda with the Ramones for a week. Busy and Amanda, being very different (the premise for the whole series) can't agree on what to do. Busy wants to hang out in a music store and Amanda wants to go to the zoo. Dom swipes Amanda's diary/book of poetry and teases her about it.
Amanda tells Busy she started keeping the diary so she could have something to confide her inner most thoughts to when Busy isn't around. Amanda bemoans being a lonely only child and Busy takes pity on her and lets her have the top bunk. They do the handshake thing from the pilot episode.
Amanda enjoys taking pictures of animals at the Toronto Zoo, an activity which bores Busy. Since Amanda hates being an only child in this episode, she tells Busy she wants to have six kids when she grows up.
While out riding their bikes, presumably home from the zoo, the girls come upon the above garage band singing the alphabet. Seriously, they are just going "A!...B!...C!...."
Amanda claims the lead singer here is "gorgeous" and a lot of people in the You Tube comments seem to like him as well. I don't get it personally. Anyway, the Liz (the lead singer) doesn't speak, and chooses only to communicate in animal noises. He tells the girls, in dolphin and snake language, to get lost.
That night, Busy expresses her wish to play with the band. Amanda, who has wised up and is now only wearing her headgear at night, echoes these thoughts, hoping the group could use a triangle player.
However, when they inquire about trying out for the band, the Liz says "negative." We learn the band's name is Neon Vomit. Busy and Amanda argue about who Liz smiled at and then go running down the street yelling "Neon Vomit."
That night, Amanda decides they need to hound the band even more to accept them and stays up all night writing what I'm sure will be an excellent song.
The next day we see Neon Vomit rehearsing and as the garage door opens behind them, Busy and Amanda appear. Busy has somehow brought her drum set all the way to Neon Vomit's garage. Busy completes a drum solo and then Amanda begins to sing. There's a funny moment when she starts to sing and the Liz's eyes open wide in surprise. Amanda's song goes like this: Save the animals/Save the trees/Save the earth/For you and me/Picking up garbage can be a hassle/So save the earth/Our home, our castle. I like it because it really sounds like some dumb kid wrote it. The Liz approves of Busy, but obviously not Amanda. Busy thinks for about three seconds before telling Amanda to hit the road. Amanda whines that they always do everything together before stomping off.
Amanda is so pissed she rode off on her bike and missed dinner. She's being kind of silly here. Music is Busy's thing, and it seems she only wants to play in the band because of a crush on Liz. Amanda accuses Busy of being the one who likes Liz and says that's the only reason she wanted to join. "Don't you know you don't drop a girlfriend because of a boyfriend?" I can't really see the Liz being Busy's boyfriend. He's more of a girl than she is, though that is why I thought her relationship with Troy worked out so who knows. Amanda challenges Busy to quit the band and then writes bad things about her in her diary.
The next day Busy finds out Amanda has struck a deal with the band that leaves her being some sort of maid/gopher with a chance to maybe sing sometime (yeah right). Amanda calls this being the band's manager. She also convinced them to have a concert to benefit endangered animals. A montage follows of Amanda selling tickets while an instrumental version of her "Save the Animals" song plays. She tries to sell to Frankie and Dom, but Busy accuses her of taking advantage of being a house guest.
Busy gets into Amanda's diary and reads about how she is a snob and a show off. Amanda comes in at that point and wants to call a truce, but Busy is too butt hurt about the diary to relent, though she doesn't reveal what she read. She lies and says she has stuff to do at the butcher shop.
Amanda walks in on Busy sitting with Liz when she said she would be at the butcher shop, thus catching her in her lie. Just then the other two band members come in and throw their guitar picks on the floor, laughing and telling Amanda to pick them up. Then they make fun of her Save the Earth song. Suddenly, like all people who are mute on TV, the Liz finally speaks. After Amanda runs off, he tells the other two to shut up and that they have written worse songs than that. Yeah, probably A!...B!...C! Busy runs off after Amanda and apparently follows her to the zoo.
So at the zoo they apologize for being dicks to each other and Busy tells Amanda what the Liz said. The ending credits for this episode are my second favorite of the series. It features Busy and Amanda singing different versions of Save the Animals (regular, opera, and rock) while pictures of the two of them from around the zoo are shown.
This episode establishes Busy's musical talents. That and Amanda's song make the episode memorable. The fact that the girls would not see eye to eye on many things is natural due to their different personalities, but sometimes the fighting is tedious.
Next episode: Amanda throws a party in hopes of getting her first kiss.  

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