Amanda and Busy are having a sleepover. They brush each other's hair as they listen to a call in sex radio show. The caller, who sounds gender ambiguous, complains about her boyfriend trying to French kiss her. Busy, who also seems gender ambiguous, disgustedly tells of a time when Troy tried the same thing. Amanda has a different problem. She wants Danny to French kiss her, but he never does. Yes Amanda, you are perverted.
The next caller sounds exactly like Dom. He is calling for advice about his girlfriend, who insists on his wearing expensive sunglasses to bed, and never the same pair. Busy: "I can't believe Dom is having sex right here in this house!" Amanda: "Wearing sunglasses."
Danny is wearing a shirt that says "Fish Forever" which I guess is supposed to be some sort of joke since the girl on Dr. Lynn's show described non-French kissing as fish kissing. Amanda reads Danny's palm and then they kiss. Danny accuses Amanda of trying to pry his lips open. Good grief, is everyone on this show gay? In a painfully embarrassing moment, Amanda has to actually ask Danny if he will French kiss her. Danny denies her request, checking his breath against his hand while Amanda's back is turned. Poor Amanda has had to ask a lesbian to kiss her and this nerdy guy and was turned down both times.
Busy explains her plan to blackmail Dom. The girls finally come to the conclusion that they should search his room for evidence (sunglasses). Amanda goes to get more sunscreen in the upstairs bathroom. She hears Dom singing in the shower but deliberately decides to walk in on him anyway. More perverted behavior.
After Dom's initial shock, he tries to make a joke out of it and asks her to shut the door on her way out.
Amanda listens to the Dr. Lynn show again. Was this supposed to be a fake version of Dr. Laura? Anyway, some guy has called in about his supposed friend who is a peeping tom. Dr. Lynn tells him that his friend may need professional help. Amanda has a fantasy sequence in which she walks in on Dom again but this time he's wearing gigantic sunglasses. She then takes out a large dictionary and looks up the word "pervert." Amanda confides to her tape recorder diary that both she and Dom are perverts.
Busy searches Dom's room for the sunglasses evidence while Amanda nags her to hurry up. They do find three pairs of expensive sunglasses. Busy leaves the room for some reason I didn't quite catch and Dom finds Amanda there wearing his sunglasses. Dom offers to let her keep them, but Amanda doesn't want them. Busy returns, and Dom tells them to get lost because he needs to take a shower. He winks at Amanda and laughs as she leaves the room.
Busy wants to go to the store where Dom got the sunglasses to see how much they cost. Amanda wants to wait outside. Conveniently, there is a man out preaching to people on the street though not many seem to be listening to him. With On Top Of Old Smoky playing in the background, the man turns on Amanda with his message and this freaks her out. This preacher is purposely made out to look like an idiot (Busy calls him a wacko). That's pretty ballsy for a kids' show which also aired on the Disney Channel.
Nevertheless, the preacher seems to have gotten to Amanda. She goes home and takes down her man mural, even though it was already gone in a previous episode! I'm guessing they didn't film these in the order they aired.
Danny has asked Amanda to meet him at the park to discuss their previous "date." He says he had just eaten a falafel (I have no idea what that is) and his breath was horrible. Amanda shrugs him off and says he was right, they should stick to going slow. In another cringe-worthy moment, Danny asks her if they can still kiss without tongues. Amanda gets mad and leaves.
I swear this scene was taken directly from one of Phyllis Naylor Reynolds' Alice books, but I could not tell you which one. I remember because it was the first time I'd ever heard of masturbation. The gym teacher has set up a box for personal questions that students can ask anonymously that the group will discuss openly. It still sounds pretty embarrassing. One girl has written that she has discovered masturbation and wonders if this makes her a pervert. The camera zooms pointedly in on Busy, who looks uncomfortable. Amanda and some other girl declare that masturbation is wrong.
Amanda and Busy have planned a camp out in Busy's backyard. Busy is still looking for more evidence to prove Dom is Shades, the caller on the Dr. Lynn show. She pulls out some porno magazines she found and admits she looked at them. Amanda jumps up and rips up the magazines, calling the whole Ramone family perverts. They listen to a little more of the show, and Shades says now his girlfriend is making him wear berets too. Busy sighs and turns off the radio, saying it couldn't be Dom because he won't wear hats. Busy calls Amanda a pervert too, although I'm not sure why since she doesn't know about Amanda walking in on Dom.
Busy decides they should call Dr. Lynn and see who the real pervert is. In a rush of words, Amanda blurts out the premise of the episode to Dr. Lynn. Busy's eyes grow wide as she learns of Amanda's voyeurism. However, Dr. Lynn didn't understand the question and wants Amanda to repeat the whole thing over again. She hangs up and Busy cracks up laughing.
Busy tells Amanda that though she thinks boys are gross, she doesn't think Amanda is a pervert for looking at Dom. She was just curious, like Busy was with Dom's girlie magazines. Then comes another moment when I think it must be hell to be a child actor. Busy hints that she was the one who wrote the masturbation question. Amanda catches on that it was Busy, and Busy starts tickling Amanda in obscene places, considering where her hands have been. Dom opens the tent and they jump back guiltily. Dom takes his sunglasses from Busy and tells Amanda to learn to disguise her voice the next time she calls in a sex line. Was Dom just trolling the love line? They never say.
Also, they just left poor Danny hanging.
Amanda VS Arthur
On Degrassi Junior High, Arthur is concerned that there might be something wrong with him because he's been having wet dreams (wet dreams again!). He and Yick have been listening to a very similar love line type of show throughout the episode and finally call the doctor to find out if Arthur is normal.
Next episode: Busy and Amanda go to camp, where Amanda has to decide whether or not to befriend a nerdy younger girl.
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